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The Time is NOW! KeiAmour Uncovered is Expanding the Uptrend of Black-Owned Businesses

Keiara Clemmons is introducing KeiAmour Uncovered an all NEW lifestyle blog that is the essence of Black-owned businesses. This blog celebrates emerging or well-established entrepreneurs that are pillars of the Black community and Black culture.

Photo Courtesy of Stacey Abrams: Our Time is Now + Good Reads


Hello, my Kings and Queens! Some of you may know me, but for those that don't, I am Keiara A. Clemmons, and I have some things to say about what is going on in our world.

This year has been a complete say the least. The passing of LA Laker + NBA superstar Kobe Bryant in a horrific helicopter crash, along with his 13-year old daughter and seven others in January, broke the hearts of friends, family, and fans worldwide. Subsequently, the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak warranted #stayathome quarantine orders, causing the loss of jobs (especially small businesses) and the fall of our economy. Furthermore, the unjustified murder of George Floyd brought about nationwide protests + riots fueling the #BlackLivesMatter movement in hopes to render justice. 2020 has been rough thus far, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we need something to uplift our spirits.


My original plans for unveiling KeiAmour Uncovered consisted of sharing my journey and what motivated me to start this blog, juxtaposed with pretty pictures of myself. However, in the wake of what is going on with the continued injustices surrounding the black community, it dawned on me that the purpose behind this blog is not to showcase myself but to provide a platform to celebrate and support what black people are doing in business. This blog was designed to inspire, educate, and propel black people to be the change we want to see in our community. We must continue to filter our dollars amongst each other and those in support of our right to equality.

"One of the ways to fight inequality is to stop patronizing the establishments that don't deem necessary to stand up for black people being oppressed." KC
Photo Courtesy of Urban Intellectuals

Let's hit the oppressors where it hurts the most--THEIR POCKETS. It's all about money and how they can keep it circulating. We know this to be a fact because soon after people began rioting and looting businesses, the media couldn't get past the grave loss these businesses would encounter. What about the people who were peacefully protesting? Now don't get me wrong, I don't condone stealing and taking the opportunity to commit criminal acts because black people are trying to make their voices heard, but I do feel my people have had ENOUGH. We are tired of seeing black lives taken senselessly by the hands of racists police. We all know that this vicious cycle isn't new, which is why the black community is in an uproar, demanding justice for every life stripped away because of the color of one's skin. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!

Photo Courtesy of African Globe

This movement, this fight is more significant than me, and I want to make sure that I am continuously supporting my Kings and Queens, who are business owners and entrepreneurs while encouraging those of us that have the desire to start a business to start TODAY! It's ok if you are not 100% confidant about how to begin. There are resources available to help guide you in whatever entity you choose to embark on. I am here to help aid you with those resources because I am using them in my everyday lifestyle. Just know we are in this TOGETHER! In efforts to keep monetizing the black community, I plan to share a black-owned business that is currently apart of my lifestyle once a week. Follow me on my social media pages and subscribe to KeiAmour Uncovered to be the first to get all the lastest posts from Uncover the Biz.


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